How to take care your flowers

Flower in bags

Read this post which provides a brief information about take care of flowers

If you've received a wrap,
Unwrap it, find a clean vase with cool fresh water,
put all your beauties in,
find them a best position!
Tips: Clean vase, change water, cut stems in 45 degree angle

every two days to enjoy the longest blooms.

If it's an arrangement in box or basket,
Simply add water to it.
But we still recommend to take them out and put into the vase for longer joy.
Flower in vase
For an arrangement in a vase,
Find a cool place, avoid direct sunlight, 
no leaves under water, take out the faded ones, keep water clean
Dried & Preserved Flowers
If you'd like to keep it even longer,
hang it upside down to get a lovely dry bouquet.
Water in a jug
How much water do we need? 
Full water flowers: Hydrangea, water lily
3/4 water level: Rose, peony, foliage (Big head, woody plants)
2/4 water level: Tulips, lisianthus, lily, dahlia
1/4 water level: Sunflower, carnation, chrysanthemum, ranunclus, baby's breath 
(soft stem flowers, and those suitable to keep as dry flowers)